Saturday, July 29, 2023

I'm living my dream life


I am writing this post while siting in the train, which perfectly reflects my current lifestyle - on the go. Today there will be some throwbacks, but very important, which at the end give me some beautiful thoughts. Let’s begin with a little introduction, because without it, it will be difficult to understand the whole story. When I was 14 years old (basically it was 10 years ago... ?!) I went to the Czech Republic for New Year's Eve with my family and friends. There I met a guy, 7 years older than me, a pure traveler, who traveled the world (for that moment only Europe) in his van. I still remember the feeling when he told me about how he decided to go on a journey through the north of Germany, France, Spain and then down through Portugal to Morocco. At the time I thought to myself "impossible, you really can live like that?" and he must have read my mind, because he said "anything is possible, as long as you believe in it."

Piszę ten post w pociągu, co idealnie odzwierciedla mój obecny styl życia – w podróży. Dzisiaj będzie trochę sentymentów, ale bardzo ważnych, które prowadzą do wielu pięknych refleksji. Na początek małe wprowadzenie, bo bez niego trudno będzie zrozumieć całą historię. Kiedy miałam 14 lat (basically to było 10 lat temu… ?!) pojechałam na Sylwestra z rodzinką i znajomymi do Czech. Poznałam tam chłopaka, 7 lat starszego ode mnie, podróżnika z krwi i kości, który przemierzał świat (na tamten moment tylko Europę) swoim vanem. Pamiętam jeszcze to uczucie, kiedy opowiadał mi o tym, jak postanowił wyruszyć w podróż przez północ Niemiec, Francji, Hiszpanii i później Portugalią w dół, aż do Maroko. Wtedy sobie pomyślałam „niemożliwe, to tak się da?”, a on chyba czytał mi w myślach, bo odpowiedział „wszystko się da, jak tylko w to uwierzysz”.

I haven't seen him since then, but after returning from that trip I told myself that I wanted to invite more positive thoughts into my daily life. And that in the future I want to travel like that too! Maybe not necessarily by van around Europe (but actually, why not?), but to have such freedom to travel. For my 18th birthday, I got a jar with a "Basia's Big Trip" card inside, in which my family and friends gave me some money for my small and big trips. The first one was to Paris, the second to Burgas, and in between there was the Polish sea. Then Erasmus, and on Erasmus a few day-trips here and there, one big trip to Brussels and Amsterdam. And then Covid and zero voyage....

Nie widziałam go od tamtego czasu, ale po powrocie z tych wakacji powiedziałam sobie, że chcę zaprosić więcej pozytywnych myśli do mojej codzienności. I że w przyszłości też chcę tak podróżować! Może niekoniecznie vanem po Europie (chociaż, dlaczego nie?), ale żeby mieć taką swobodę w podróżowaniu. Na moje 18 urodziny dostałam słoik z karteczką „Wielka podróż Basi”, w którym moja rodzina i znajomi zrzucili się na moje małe i duże podróże. Pierwsza z nich była do Paryża, druga do Burgas, a w międzyczasie było polskie morze. Potem Erasmus, a na Erasmusie kilka jednodniowych wypadów to tu, to tam, jedna wielka podróż do Brukseli i Amsterdamu. A potem Covid i zero podróżowania…

After a year, I started to travel and fly again, although it was difficult due to restrictions (geezzzz, who still remembers those times 3 years ago?), but it was not impossible! After that, I started to travel all over the place, because I’ve started a long-distance relationship, so necessarily traveling became a fairly frequent form of spending time. And how is it now?

Po roku zaczęłam jeździć i latać na nowo, chociaż było to trudne w związku z restrykcjami (matko, kto jeszcze pamięta te czasy sprzed 3 lat?), ale nie było niemożliwe! Potem to już w ogóle zaczęłam podróżować na całego, bo weszłam w związek na odległość, więc siłą rzeczy podróżowanie stało się dość częstą formą spędzania czasu. A jak to jest teraz?

Now I feel that flying somewhere by plane feels like taking a taxi around the city. And I know that writing this is a huge privilege, because I have such opportunities, but hey! That little Basia from 10 years ago wanted her future to look like this, and with little steps, little decisions, she was closer and closer to such a future.

Teraz mam wrażenie, że lecąc gdzieś samolotem czuję się jakbym jechała taksówką po mieście. I wiem, że pisanie tego, to ogromny przywilej, bo mam takie możliwości, ale hej! Ta mała Basia sprzed 10 lat chciała, żeby tak wyglądała jej przyszłość i małymi krokami, małymi decyzjami, dążyła do tego, żeby właśnie taka przyszłość na nią czekała.

10 years after that moment, I go back to it and imagine myself saying to that 14-year-old Basia "hey, I made your dream came true :)" and I see those stars of excitement in her eyes! That's right, I have fulfilled and continue to fulfill my teenage dream and I travel with facility here and there and I’m opening to new destinations - October is preparing many beautiful things, but I'm not telling you yet, until it's one hundred percent sure.

Po 10 latach od tamtego momentu wracam do niego z powrotem i wyobrażam sobie, że mówię do tej 14-letniej Basi „hej, spełniłam Twoje marzenie :)” i widzę te gwiazdki ekscytacji w jej oczach! Dokładnie tak, spełniłam i spełniam nadal swoje nastoletnie marzenie i podróżuję z ogromną łatwością to tu, to tam i otwieram się na nowe destynacje – październik szykuje wiele pięknych rzeczy, ale jeszcze nie zdradzam, dopóki nie będzie to pewne na sto procent.

Recently even my Grandmother told me "Basia, how amazing it is that you can be in so many places and visit them! Paris, Vienna, Martinique, I wonder what's next?" And then there is my thought for you - dreams CAN be fulfilled, then can come true. Think about it, have you by any chance already fulfilled a few? I encourage you to think like this from time to time, because sometimes we think that dreams are too far away from us and we can’t achieve them but they are often literally (!) at our fingertips.
Sending you a big hug! And good luck :)

Ostatnio nawet moja Babcia mi powiedziała „Basiu, jakie to niesamowite, że możesz w tylu miejscach być i zwiedzać! Paryż, Wiedeń, Martynika, ciekawe co będzie dalej?” A dalej jest moja myśl dla was – marzenia DA SIĘ SPEŁNIAĆ. Pomyślcie o tym, czy przypadkiem już kilku nie spełniliście? Zachęcam do takiej refleksji od czasu do czasu, bo czasem wydaje nam się, że marzenia są odległe i nieosiągalne, a one często są dosłownie (!) na wyciągnięcie ręki. Ściskam was mocno! I powodzenia :)

with love

Saturday, July 8, 2023

~ June ~

It’s already the beginning of July but let me quickly go back to the previous month and see what happened in June! It was a tough month because of exams but I managed to finish my semester and validate all the exams, woo-hoo! This is my biggest success and since my therapist told me to really appreciate my work and what I managed to do, I decided to make a list of my highs of the month and also some lows just to reflect on those situations and move forward with a lesson in my mind.

So here we go with some beautiful moments from June! First, my favorite thing was that it was already warm enough to go out without any jacket and I really like this kind of weather. I ate my first ice creams, drunk my first iced latte and had my first rhubarb tart that I love and could die for. Also first swim in the lake! Ah, so refreshing.

Then it was also a month of exams, as I already mentioned in the beginning, and exams mean studying a lot and it was hard for me this time. I mean, for first exams I studied a lot and had motivation to do that but then, the motivation went down… oupsi. Last exams were quite hard but at the end it was fine and I passed all of them. Shout out to all of you who validated the semester and are now free! And good luck for those who are still fighting :p fingers crossed!

During this month I had more time in between my therapy session so I had the chance to really work on my mind. Well, you have to know that during therapy most of the time I’m like ‘yeah, of course, I’m gonna try this technic next time” and then when the situation comes the old pattern returns and then I’m like “shit, it needs effort and patient to be changed…” So yeah, I’m really working hard but sometimes I forget that actually I need to do that work to make it change. Anyone can relate?

Back to beautiful moments! I spent a very nice weekend with my boyfriend in Poznan. We rent a car (the company was awful but it’s another story) and had some small trips next to Poznan – it was really cool plus I love looking at my boyfriend while he’s driving a car! I mean, look at this handsome boy hehe B) Also we went to Amsterdam for a weekend and had a nice time there. I got sunburned a day after my exam during which I had had to answer the question “what’s SPF and how it works and why it’s so important to put it on the skin every day.” Yeah… no comments XD

And the last week of June I spent in Vienna with my boyfriend, walking around, working, drinking iced latte, speaking French, dancing and seeing friends! How about your June? Let me know about your highs and lows – let’s inspire each other! And good luck for this month guys, stay inspired 😊

with love
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