Saturday, April 30, 2022

Long weekend ideas

A weekend, three or four days off, it’s quite a good amount of time to plan something cool! You can use it in many different ways – starting with meeting friends and ending with a small mountain trip, a quick voyage to the seaside or to a city for visiting. All those ideas are very easy to plan and fast to be done so you can use them even today and make your day more fun.

Długi weekend, trzy lub cztery dni wolnego, to całkiem sporo czasu i można go wykorzystać na wiele różnych sposobów – zaczynając od spotkania ze znajomymi, a kończąc na krótkim wypadzie w góry, nad morze czy do miasta obok! Nawet jeśli nie macie żadnych planów na majówkę, która właśnie się zaczyna, w dzisiejszym poście znajdziecie pomysły, które nie wymagają większego planowania i które możecie wykorzystać w każdej chwili.

I. Picnic.

A very good way to enjoy the beautiful weather, to meet your friends, to eat ‘outside’. Easy to prepare but makes you smile and excited for the rest of the day. Sandwiches, cookies, cakes, snacks, drinks – you have so many options there! You can also take cards with you or some board games and make your picnic more fun. You won’t even notice when the whole day will pass by.

1. Piknik.

Idealny sposób na wykorzystanie pięknej pogody, spotkanie się ze znajomymi i zjedzenie na mieście. Banalnie proste w przygotowaniu, a daje dużą frajdę. Kanapki, ciastka i coś do picia oraz drobne przekąski – opcji jest wiele! Możecie zabrać też karty i gry planszowe, i już ze zwykłego pikniku robi się całkiem fajne wyjście. Nawet nie zauważycie, kiedy minie wam cały dzień!

II. A walk out of the city – park, forest, riverside.

A break from the city. Check out if there’s a park next to your city or maybe a forest where you can take a walk and just sink into nature and a green color. Breathe in and breathe out with the fresh air and listen to the silence.

2. Spacer za miastem – park, las, brzeg rzeki.

Sprawdźcie, czy niedaleko Waszego miasta jest jakiś las lub park krajobrazowy, gdzie można się przespacerować i odetchnąć świeżym powietrzem. Niedaleko Poznania jest Wielkopolski Park Narodowy i dojeżdża do niego autobus z miasta, więc jeśli też mieszkacie w Poznaniu, to koniecznie skorzystajcie.

III. Small trip to another city.

A quick trip for one or two nights can be as exciting as a long trip. I already did this kind of trip – in Poland and abroad, for one day or for one night. Sometimes you can find some nice and cool connections between the cities or go there by car if you’re traveling with a bigger group (and at least one of you has a driving license!). Check out the cities next to your hometown, I’m sure you can find a lot of amazing stuff there!

3. Mini wycieczka do innego miasta.

Wyjazd na jedną lub dwie noce może być równie ekscytujący, co tygodniowe wakacje. Ja mam za sobą kilka takich wyjazdów – do Szczecina, Wrocławia, Berlina… Możecie znaleźć wiele szybkich i wygodnych połączeń kolejowych lub wybrać się samochodem, jeśli jedziecie większą ekipą (i ktoś z Was ma prawo jazdy!). Czasem mniejsze miasteczka wokół rodzinnej miejscowości potrafią skrywać wiele ciekawych tajemnic.

IV. A bike trip.

In my city (but I think in every city it is like this) there are a lot of bicycle paths, which go through beautiful places, sometimes forests or next to the lake. And if not in the city, maybe outside of it? I’m sure you can find some nice and cool paths so you can enjoy the beautiful weather on your bicycle. If not a bike, maybe rollerblades? And if not rollerblades, maybe just legs, hehe – go back to the 2nd point of this list.

4. Wycieczka rowerowa.

W Poznaniu (ale domyślam się, że w większości innych miast też) jest wiele tras rowerowych, które prowadzą przez piękne okoliczności przyrody, i warto z nich skorzystać. Albo wyjechać za miasto i śmigać rowerem po pustych drogach! Jak nie rower, to może rolki? A jeśli nie, to nogi też wystarczą hihi – wróćcie do pozycji numer dwa z listy ;)

V. Open city events – openair concerts, food truck festival, exhibition in a museum.

I think that you can find a lot of cool stuff – events – in your hometown. Facebook always knows about this kind of thing, so let’s check this. A lot of them are for free so you can enjoy a very interesting event and you don’t have to pay for that, isn’t that cool? Go and do the research!

5. Otwarte wydarzenia – koncert w plenerze, festiwal foodtrucków, wystawa w muzeum.

Często jest tak, że podczas długich weekendów w mieście organizowane są ciekawe wydarzenia – koncerty plenerowe, festiwale, nowe wystawy w muzeach… Facebook na pewno Wam podpowie, co się będzie działo. Wiele z nich, jeśli nie większość, jest darmowa, a zabawa przednia. Polecam poszperać i zobaczyć, co dzieje się na mieście!

So those five ideas are the list of my inspirations. If you have something to add, don’t hesitate to do it and leave a comment. Oh, maybe I’ll add the last thing – relax. Take your time and just relax. Have a good weekend!

W tych pięciu pozycjach zamykam moją listę pomysłów, a jeśli macie do dorzucenia coś od siebie, to dajcie znać w komentarzu! Dodam, że szóstą propozycją jest po prostu odpoczywanie. Pamiętajcie, żeby dać sobie czas na relaks i oddech. Miłego weekendu!

with love

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Third episode transcription

Can’t believe it’s already the third episode of my podcast! Time flies incredibly fast. This time I would like to talk about living alone, because it’s been a year (yeah, a year!) since I moved out from my family house and decided to live alone. Well the reason why I moved out is quite personal so I’m not gonna talk more about that but here’s a small story about my moving out.

Long story short

I decided to move out on the 1st of March 2021 and I moved into a new flat, actually a studio, on the 11th of March… that was fast. At the beginning I felt okay but then I had some small emotional issues with the fact it had happened so fast. My first flat (yes yes yes, there was a second after but let me lead you through this story) was in a very high building and I lived on the 10th floor. The most incredible thing was the view which was magical. I could’ve spent hours watching the sunset every day. It was a nice flat, small but enough for me. I couldn’t really put any photos on the wall or something but I tried to make it more „mine” with some plants. I lived there for 6 months and then (surprise!) I moved out to another flat. Well, that was crazy. Fun fact, once I was looking for something on the Internet and I found an article titled “Moving out twice, are you insane?”. Yes, I’m insane. I do still live in this new flat tho and I’m not planning on moving out for now.

Things I like/don’t like in living alone

+ there’s nobody disturbing my routine
+ there are only my things in the fridge
+ I feel very comfy and independent
+ nobody judges my mess
+ I can sing, dance and walk in my underwear only which is very comfy

- sometimes I feel lonely
- there’s a very loud silence which I can’t stand
- the feeling of not being at home
- if I don’t clean up, nobody will do it for me

Actually, most of the time I spend out of my flat anyway – I’m working, meeting my friends, going for a coffee, etc. Maybe it’s because I don’t feel at home in this flat because it’s not mine. Well, I already feel better than I used to before so I guess I’m on the right path to work through this feeling!

Things I’ve learned and some tips for you!

1. I need to plan things – if something needs to be cleaned, I have to plan when I’ll do it because if not, then it becomes a dreadful I-will-do-it-tomorrow task.

2. I need to make a grocery list because either I forget what I wanted to buy or I buy more than I expected…

3. If there’s a task you can do in 5 minutes, do it! Put the laundry in the machine, take it out after, throw away the garbage, vacuum. You know what I mean.

4. Try to make this place more yours – I have a lot of plants and I put some lights on my window which makes the ambience more cosy.

Hope you like this podcast episode/transcription! Would love to know what other tips you have, you can write them in the comments below.

with love

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Second podcast episode – March inspiration

March is already over so I decided to sit down and think about all the beautiful moments that have become my inspirations and made this month more amazing. I’m going to share them with – it’s not a chronological list but a simple note from my journal. Here we go!

1. Weekend in Berlin

On the second weekend of March I went to Berlin to meet my one and only and spend time with him. He lives in Germany now and even if it’s just next to my country, we can’t see each other very often because flights are very expensive… but we try our best to meet at least once per month. We were so lucky with the weather! It was very sunny both on Saturday and on Sunday. We walked a lot and visited a lot so I really appreciated this weekend.

2. International Women’s Day

Very funny, I spent this day only with women, haha! Started with my grandma, then I met my sister and my mum and in the evening I went to the Women’s Circle Meeting. I already talked about this meeting here on the blog, but let me talk about this a little bit more :) it was a very beautiful experience and I was surprised how other women were open, I mean no taboo topics. And even though I was the youngest there, I felt very comfortable and I could share my thoughts without any fear of being misunderstood because of my age. Highly recommended and one of the biggest March inspirations!

3. Coffee at café MIEL in Poznan

MIEL is a coffee shop in Poznan, the city I live. One of my favorite, it’s in the city center and the interior is just gorgeous! And my friend works there. I spent a lot of time there to write my final term paper for studies and now I love to go there and work a bit – planning my weeks, writing posts etc. If you ever come to Poznan you have to go there for a cup of coffee!

4. Walks walks walks.

Recently I’ve started to walk a lot. I live in the city center now so actually everything is near to my place so instead of taking a bus or a tram I walk. Sometimes I walk because there’s no connection with public transport but it’s not a problem for me. A good podcast and I can walk everywhere.

5. 30 Days of Mindful Movement: Spring Reset – AloYoga YouTube channel.

This is a huge thing! Yoga is now my everyday physical activity and in March I came back to a YouTube channel I had found couple years ago – AloYoga. They have a lot of practices for 10, 15, 30 or 45 minutes. I found out that they also have playlists with challenges – 30 days of Mindful Movement. There are three options and I chose Spring Reset to prepare my body for spring. A very good one, again highly recommended.

6. Oatmeal with pear.

I’m an Oatmeal Queen, you know that. This month was all about oatmeal with pear. To prepare my oatmeal I use oats, chia seeds, poppy seeds and nuts. I cook it with oat milk or another plant based milk then I decorate it with some topings like hemp seeds, chocolate drops, coconut flakes, peanut butter and of course a pear. Pure deliciousness.

7. Amazing ritual at the beauty salon.

I had a chance to take part in a presentation of a ritual at the beauty salon in Poznan. It was an amazing and very relaxing experience which made me feel like in heaven. This ritual consisted of cleansing, moisturizing and oiling skin and in some moments there was a massage with a silk scarf. This massage was like gentle touch and it felt so good and my skin afterwards was much more than just happy so I decided to go more often to a beauty salon and let a specialist to take care of my skin.

8. A lot of sunshine!

No need to say more – the weather was beautiful! I’m a sun person so when it’s sunny I feel more energized. Hopefully sun will come back because now the recent days were cloudy and grey.

9. French Tuesday on my Instagram.

Another small project that I’ve started last year. There was a small break when I didn’t posted a story in French because I had a lot of work but now I came back to this project and it feels so good to do it again! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out my Instagram and look at my highlights – ‘Basia parle français’. Hope you enjoy!

10. Podcast.

The biggest thing I did in March. I’m still a little bit confused how to deal with a podcast and a blog but I’m trying to find the perfect way that works. We will see! Also, I’m thinking about making episodes in English, but it’s still in a thinking process. Nevertheless I’m excited and curious how this project will evolve.

And that’s it! Tried to make that post not so long, but… yeah, forgive me! Hope you enjoyed :) Tell me how this month was to you, it’s always a pleasure to get your messages and share the inspiration.

with love

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Cleansing and refreshing for spring

Spring has definitely come to our city (well, the last couple of days were cloudy but still, spring is here), and everything starts to be alive again. I really like this time of the year because I feel the motivation to make some changes, introduce new habits and clean deeply all the space around me. By saying this I mean cleaning my house but also my mind and my body from the inside. So I decided to share some practical ideas on how to refresh for spring!

Wiosna zawitała już na dobre (chociaż ostatnia zmiana pogody sugeruje coś innego) i wszystko odżywa. Bardzo lubię tę porę roku, bo zawsze budzi we mnie chęć do zmian, odświeżenia mojej przestrzeni i odkurzenia wszystkich zakamarków, zarówno dosłownie, jak i w przenośni. Postanowiłam zebrać kilka sposobów, z których korzystam, i stworzyć listę przydatnych nawyków i czynności, które pomogą Wam oczyścić Waszą przestrzeń.

Tidying up

You can tidy up your home but also your mind from old and bad thoughts. I think that everybody knows the expression “spring-cleaning” and it always sounds like a huge house cleaning for hours. Well, it’s not really motivating, especially if we’re going to spend the whole day vacuuming, cleaning and dusting all the surfaces. So my advice is to spread it over several days and make it step by step. Also it’s a good time to clean all those small hidden places and corners that we skip most of the time.
Another good practice is to refresh your wardrobe. It doesn’t mean buying new clothes but to check out your wardrobe and see what’s there. Take out all the things you don’t wear any more and organize the rest. Same goes for the book shelter or any other place where you can find some things which are stuck and not used. It gives a nice fresh feeling to your place!
You can also look at your laptop – digital cleaning isn’t a thing that we do very often but it’s needed so it’s a good moment to do it. Let’s refresh our digital places too.

Porządek – szeroko rozumiany.

Chyba nieobce jest Wam określenie „wiosenne porządki”, które kojarzą się z wielkim sprzątaniem całego mieszkania. Brzmi mało zachęcająco, zwłaszcza jeśli w perspektywie ma się cały dzień spędzony ze szmatką, gąbką, odkurzaczem i mopem. Polecam rozłożyć sobie takie porządki na kilka dni i rzeczywiście wysprzątać każdy kąt i zakamarek, a zwłaszcza te miejsca, które zazwyczaj się pomija.
Jak już jesteśmy przy porządkowaniu rzeczy, to polecam jeszcze zajrzeć do szafy, przejrzeć ubrania, wyjąć je wszystkie i na nowo poukładać – takie zabiegi, nie tylko w szafie, ale też na półce z książkami, są jak powiew świeżości. Kolejnym często zaniedbywanym miejscem jest laptop lub komputer – sprawdźcie, czy nie macie tam plików, które są już Wam niepotrzebne i które tylko zabierają miejsce, a do niczego nie służą. To kolejna rzecz, która daje poczucie ładu w całej przestrzeni, i tej i fizycznej, i online.

Make your meal green again

Spring is green – not only because of the green leaves on trees but also because of green vegetables. I really love this moment when almost all of my plates become more and more green. I start with dill and parsley but I’m already looking for other fresh and green veggies like aragula, salad and chive!

Dodawanie zielonego

Wiosna kojarzy mi się z kolorem zielonym. Uwielbiam, gdy na drzewach pojawiają się pierwsze liście, kiedy trawniki stają się soczyście zielone. Wraz z nadejściem wiosny pojawia się też coraz więcej świeżych warzyw, więc kolor zielony coraz częściej pojawia się u mnie na talerzu – póki co głównie w postaci natki pietruszki lub koperku, ale już wyczekuję kolejnych świeżynek!

Morning movement

So about one year ago I decided to change my morning routine and I started to work out in the morning instead of doing it in the evening. And it was a great change for me because I felt more energized and ready for the day. Recently I have been doi g yoga more than other cardio workouts and I found a very nice 30-day challenge on AloYoga YouTube channel – it is called Mindful Movement: Spring Reset. Highly recommended! Especially if you’re a yoga freak like me. Try doing the workout in the morning, if you have a possibility, maybe it will have a good influence on your day. I know that maybe you have to wake up early to try it but it’s worth it.

Poranny ruch

Od ponad roku ćwiczę rano zamiast wieczorem, jak to robiłam wcześniej. To odwrócenie rutyny i wprowadzenie porannego ruchu było strzałem w dziesiątkę (w moim przypadku)! Ostatnio jest to głównie joga, praktykuję ją sama albo z różnymi joginami. Kilka dni temu zaczęłam 30-dniowe wyzwanie na platformie AloYoga – na ich kanale na YouTubie znajduje się playlista z praktykami na każdy dzień! Polecam serdecznie, zwłaszcza jeśli też uwielbiacie jogę. A jeśli nie, to wybierzcie inną formę ruchu i zacznijcie praktykować ją rano. Tak, wiem, że może się to wiązać ze wcześniejszym wstawaniem, ale myślę, że warto przynajmniej spróbować.

Spring is a good moment to start new things, get rid of bad thoughts and habits that don’t work for you. It’s time when nature wakes up after a long winter sleep and becomes alive again! Let’s follow the path of nature and use this motivation to change.
Do you have your own practices? What does spring mean to you? Show me your inspirations!

Wiosna to czas próbowania nowych rzeczy, wracania do dobrych nawyków i rezygnowania ze starych, szkodliwych przyzwyczajeń. To czas, kiedy natura budzi się po zimowym śnie i życie zaczyna rozkwitać na nowo, dlatego polecam wykorzystać go jako motywację do wprowadzenia zmian.
Macie swoje wiosenne praktyki, które towarzyszą Wam na początku tej pory roku? Czekam na inspiracje od Was!

with love
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